
LogintoyourResearchGateaccounttoaccess130+millionpublicationsandconnectwith17+millionresearchers.,分享及下載研究:.在符合著作財產權的範圍內,您可上傳自己的著作原稿或.全文,同樣您也可以下載其他研究者分享的全文資料。當遇.到您所需的資料無法從圖書館下載的 ...,ResearchGateisaEuropeancommercialsocialnetworkingsiteforscientistsandresearcherstosharepapers,askandanswerquestions, ...,由KO’Brien著作·2019...

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Login to your ResearchGate account to access 130+ million publications and connect with 17+ million researchers.

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分享及下載研究:. 在符合著作財產權的範圍內,您可上傳自己的著作原稿或. 全文,同樣您也可以下載其他研究者分享的全文資料。當遇. 到您所需的資料無法從圖書館下載的 ...


ResearchGate is a European commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, ...


由 K O’Brien 著作 · 2019 · 被引用 33 次 — ResearchGate's primary feature is the individual researcher profile, which is used to promote scholarly production. The site creates profiles ...


ResearchGate(,中文:研究之門)是一個被戲稱爲「科學研究的臉書(facebook for research)」的社群網路服務網站,於2008年5月上線。


Access 160+ million publications and connect with 25+ million researchers. Join for free and gain visibility by uploading your research.

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Discover the world's scientific knowledge. With 160+ million publication pages, 25+ million researchers and 1+ million questions, this is where everyone can ...

Search Researchers

Discover the world's scientific knowledge. With 160+ million publication pages, 25+ million researchers and 1+ million questions, this is where everyone can ...


2.Contributions: 分類呈現您上傳的文章、研究數據、追蹤者及被哪一些文章引用。 3.Info:呈現您的專業領域及經歷。 4. Scores:提供RG Score及h-index數據呈現您的研究 ...

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